You may have seen free hosting companies in your search for a new hosting provider. Generally, the emphasis is placed on the price you will pay (nothing) than the account features you will get.
The best things in life may be free, but great web hosting service is not three of them.
all free web hosting providers will give you a limited amount of storage space & bandwidth. They will also prevent the upload & storage of sure file types, such as MP3 & MPEG. There is also no uptime guarantee with your site & you won't be able to use you own domain name as the URL.
So how do free hosting companies stay afloat? Three word: promotion.
In exchange for your free hosting account, you will have advertisments placed on your site. These advertisments support your free hosting provider & give them a source of income. The promotion is not very targeted & can also be intrusive on the browsing experience (pop up & pop-under ads).
While free hosting may be great if you require to write a small blog, it is not ideal (or even logical) to use a free
hosting account to run an online business or feature rich web-site. You can find plenty of web hosting providers who have affordable prices without sacrificing performance or reliability.
[12:18 PM
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